Thursday, September 26, 2013

Formtek, Inc. Will Host a Manufacturing Day Event on October 4, 2013

Formtek, Inc. will participate in Manufacturing Day on October 4th.  There are 677 events planned across the US for this event.  Formtek, Inc. has Cleveland area colleges and high schools attending along with lawmaker’s and community members.  This event is part of an effort to draw greater attention to the outstanding opportunities that a career in manufacturing can provide and promote the pursuit of skills that will lead to a long-term career that offers security and growth for qualified candidates.

Formtek, Inc. being the main host coordinated a group well known manufacturers that will be at our facility for Manufacturing Day.   American Spring Wire is North America’s largest manufacturer of valve and commercial quality spring wire, and a major supplier of PC Strand will have a table with representatives present.  Satellite Gear a manufacturer of gears and machined parts will have a table with representatives.  NSL Analytical Services, Inc. a commercial materials testing laboratory, which tests for quality control, failure analysis, product performance, and material selection will also be at our facility with representatives.   Lincoln Electric the world leader in design, development and manufacture of arc welding products, robotic arc-welding systems will be at our facility with their VIRTUAL WELDING MACHINE.

If you are looking to attend an event you can sign up at http: //  

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Yoder Introduces XW-Series Forming Machines

Yoder recently introduced its XW-series of driven forming stands for roll forming and tube mills. The three models of XW-Series driven stands incorporate a rigid, gusseted housing design, which has years of proven performance in the QVW-Series machines, with the additional feature of bottom shaft adjustment.  The design is reverse compatible with the QVW-Series roll stands, so they can be installed on existing installations with no modifications.  The bottom shaft adjustable design adds the ability to form deeper sections and performer greater amounts of reshaping on a roll former or tube mill, than was previously available in similar models.  The QVW-Series machine will continue to be the standard, universal driven design, with the option of the XW-Series available when the applications require.

Yoder’s XW- and QVW-Series roll forming machines are rugged, scalable solutions to meet a range of custom and high production, industrial applications. For more information, contact, call (216) 292-4460 or visit

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Yoder Supplies M-1 ½ Weld Wire Mill Rebuild and Training

Yoder recently supplied a manufacturer of flux cored weld wire the rebuild of two (2) M-1 ½ Roll forming machines.  The rebuilds include training of the customer’s maintenance and operations personnel, to learn the proper machine setup and changeover.

Yoder’s roll forming machines and tooling are purposefully designed and manufactured to meet a range of custom and high production, industrial applications.  For more information, contact, call (216) 292-4460 or visit

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Yoder Supplies Tier 1 Automotive Tooling

Yoder recently supplied tooling to a Tier 1 Automotive supplier for door trim.  The tooling is designed for forming a specialty polymer coated steel for use in roll forming door trim on the customer’s existing M-1 ½ machines.  Yoder’s experience with this material was especially important, as the thick coating is particularly sensitive to the forming pressures of steel.  This is the fourth such application Yoder has provided tooling for in recent years. 

Yoder’s roll forming tooling is purposefully designed and manufactured to meet a range of custom and high production, industrial applications.  For more information, contact, call (216) 292-4460 or visit